I didn’t get to do a 365 project this year because i had a d90 then sold it, went to get a new one and sold it to buy a d7000. So here are some of my favorite photos from 2011 . This years has been good getting allot better at taking photos. Next year i hope to make some more upgrades on a new body but i am pretty set on the lenses i have . First up is one of my favorite things for me this year and that was night photography i had so much fun doing this even if i had to wait in the cold and walk allot but it was worth it.
These are some photo of my grandma funeral i was never going to show this but it was a big part of this year photos taken with a d90
These are some random from when i first got my 24-70mm.
This is the first day i got my 10.5 fisheye in the mail i hate a love hate relationship with this lens some time it to much other time it great.
This is when i went to new york had to be the best trip i took this year. Cant wait to go back to go more places , get more dope photos and have fun with friends.
When i went to Catalonia island it was nice but i don’t plan on going back there any time soon.
Went to see all the family in Los angeles and had a great time.
These are randoms from earlier this year i don’t have the bigger size since all of my photos use to be on my blog where this size
This end my recap i have hundreds – thousands more photos i could of posted but i don’t have the time to do that it would take a day to do that and i am trying to put this out tonight . Anyways for anyone reading this have fun for new year don’t drive drunk it not worth you taking some one life or yourself . ~ carl wilson