When i got off the airplane i went down with daniel that i meet on the plane it funny how they seat the only two black people in first class next to each other but im glad they did he is a cool guy after he got his bag we went to bart. The bart train came and for 11 pm it was packed a lot of people got of the plane that night. When we got between coma & daly city the train slowed down and the conductor turned off the train he told us that someone jumped in front of the train. The way he said it was like he was crying you know it was bad at first i was mad. I just got off the plane from a 5 hour flight and someone decided to kill there self but then i thought about it and i felt bad for them. After waiting a hour another bart train came we had to jump out the train to a little platform in the tunnel then go down a little ladder then passed the 3rd rail. For anyone that does not know the 3rd rail can kill you. Then we went up the ladder to the bart train after everyone got on we went to daly city to get on another bart train before we could do that police came on bart to take down everyones info and phone numbers.This part took forever after we got on i finally made it home after a 2-3 hour delay.